Hello Raimund; the loser pays for "Dinner for Two" at the Rosenau in Tuebingen (mit Umlaut), or Hirsch in Bebenhausen. OK ? Both restaurants are quite excellent and also serve a very good Riesling from Kaiserstuhl.
Raimund prefers to drink beer - especially from our friend Lambert Schmid's brewery in Trochtelfingen on the Alb ("Albquell"). In the "Gaststaette" there you also get very good local food... Next time your around - let us know. cu - Bildertaenzer Jürgen Reich
Kenn ich ! Spinnerei; war sogar schon mal innen.
AntwortenLöschenLieber CalGoldGuy, das werden wir morgen überprüfen, on Du wirklich da schon mal drinnen warst...
AntwortenLöschenHello Raimund; the loser pays for "Dinner for Two" at the Rosenau in Tuebingen (mit Umlaut),
AntwortenLöschenor Hirsch in Bebenhausen. OK ?
Both restaurants are quite excellent and also serve a very good Riesling from Kaiserstuhl.
Raimund, the place as also called
AntwortenLöschen"untere Fabric".
Hi CalOldGuy,
AntwortenLöschenRaimund prefers to drink beer - especially from our friend Lambert Schmid's brewery in Trochtelfingen on the Alb ("Albquell"). In the "Gaststaette" there you also get very good local food...
Next time your around - let us know.
cu - Bildertaenzer Jürgen Reich
Hello Juergen;
AntwortenLöschenWeather permitting, I'll be there end of May next year. Keep that beer cool !