Trotz erschwerter Proebedingungen brachte es Herr Nothacker zuwege, einen Chor mit Schülern der Klasse 1-4 und den 6.Klässlern an den Instrumenten zusmmen zu bringen. Mit weihnächtlichen Chören begeisterten die Kinder die anwesenden Gäste.
"Thank You", Frau Bauer and Herr Nothacker, and especially your students, for a wonderful event at this Christmas Season. It shows there is still Joy and Goodwill in the world. And "Thank You", Dieter Ludaescher for sharing this heart-warming Christmas story with us.
All of us wish you a wonderful Christmas Holiday !
"Thank You", Frau Bauer and Herr Nothacker, and especially your students, for a wonderful event at this Christmas Season.
AntwortenLöschenIt shows there is still Joy and Goodwill in the world.
And "Thank You", Dieter Ludaescher for sharing this heart-warming Christmas story with us.
All of us wish you a wonderful Christmas Holiday !